Mrs. I. Machinandiarena, Mrs. I. Machinandiarena, IB MYP Coordinator The community project is a culminating inquiry activity for schools ending their IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) in Grade 8. Learning by doing and experiencing is central to the IB philosophy and the learner profile. This student-planned activity encourages students to research a topic they are interested in. It also connects class learning with the needs of their local or global community. Students have the opportunity to take control of their own learning, creating a proposal and developing detailed plans for the product they want to create. They have to apply the approaches to learning (ATL) skills learned throughout the MYP and transfer them to new situations. Critical and creative thinking and problem-solving are central to this project, but also self-management, communication, collaboration as well as affective skills. Parents are asked to support their children but let them work on their own, so they can grow as independent learners. This learning experience will be of utmost value for their high school life.