Mrs. Anna Kovacs As summer has turned into autumn, we have also transitioned from our summer routine into our school routine. We were very busy through the month of September learning about our classroom's rules and what it means to be a member of the Pod Two family as well as a member of our school community. Students have learned of their extra responsibilities as well as their newfound freedoms. We spent time learning about the different role each student plays in helping our classroom run smoothly. October 5th will be a Grub Day. Children are invited to be out of uniform and bring a toonie for Community Care. The following day will be a P.A. Day for the students. We wish all families a happy and festive Thanksgiving Day! As we head into the cooler weather, we will start talking about themes that reflect the changes in nature around us. We will be looking at harvest themes, learning about the life cycle of plants, discussing how seeds turn into a ripe plant. To support this curriculum we will be taking a trip to the pumpkin patch at Puddicombe Farms. This trip will take place on October 26th. We will leave the school at 9 am as the program begins at 9:30. Details to follow. We will be exploring different fruits of the region that are in-season such as varieties of grapes. We will highlight the importance of local foods grown in the Niagara Region. On October 31st we will be celebrating Halloween! Each child is invited to wear black and orange (no costumes please). Due to several severe food allergies, we ask that no Halloween candy be brought to school. Thank you. Please remember that as the weather changes your child’s extra clothing should be updated. Making sure that each item of clothing and outerwear is labeled makes it easy to identify. Thank you and have a fun fall!