Mrs. Elia and Mrs. Lubin Our Summer countdown is on! We are very excited and proud of the efforts that our 6-9 South family has achieved this year. We’ve seen a lot of growth and development and the children deserve a fun and relaxing break. It’s also time to begin slathering on the sunscreen and bringing a hat to school. Even on those cloudy days, UVA and UVB rays are still strong. It is helpful to keep some sunscreen in your locker. As our year comes to an end, we still have exciting things happening in our Montessori environment. The year ones and twos will take a closer look at the flower and examine it’s parts. Our year twos will be studying the laws of the earth outside. We will perform different experiments to observe gravity, centripetal and centrifugal force. Our year twos and threes will be doing a fun activity that will examine their knowledge of area and perimeter. Our threes will be wrapping up their novel study of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed the humour and the mischief that one little boy can create for his family. Have a safe and happy summer! We will miss our grade threes but we know they are ready for their next step to year 4. We are looking forward to seeing our new year 2 and 3 faces again in 6-9 South! We are especially excited to be welcoming our incoming year 1 children in September.