M. Kovacs Wow, June is here! Looking back on this year, it has flown by quicker than usual. With camp just around the corner (June 5-7), we have only a few days left in class. We will be having a class party during the last week of school with details forthcoming. I enlisted the help of my former grade four students who are just wrapping up their first year in the I.B. program. They have shared the following advice for you as you embark on your journey in grade five in September. Academics: - always do your homework to stay on track; if you do this, life is easy! - stay organized with all of your binders, cubbies, and lockers - meeting new teachers and being on rotary makes things more exciting - always know your work; if you don't understand something, make sure to review your notes or ask the teacher for a 1-on-1 review session - don't be scared to ask lots of questions about anything!!! - always be prepared for class, for homework, and for tests/exams so you can be successful and get good grades Social: - meeting new peers and being surrounded by new peers is fun and exciting - don't be afraid to talk to the older kids in grade 6-8! They're not scary! - reach out to new students to help them feel included; this is a great way to make new friends - talk to and get to know EVERYONE in your class; it's great to be friends with everyone and you can have lots of different kinds of experiences when you do not limit yourself to one friend group Extracurricular: - Upper Elementary is fun because there are tons of opportunities to play sports - there are lots of fun field trips! - it is exciting to finally be a part of activities you have been watching since Casa (e.g. sports teams, the musical/stage crew, hosting events in the gym like the Talent show/Remembrance Day, Tribes, the big Track & Field part of Oakes Park) - it is nice to get awards at the end of the year for all of your participation within the school community - remember to make time for school work when you have lots of extracurriculars so that you do not fall behind I wish you all a safe and happy summer! Don't forget to stop by and say "hi" next year!