June is such a bittersweet month. We look back with satisfaction on all the hard work, the lessons learned, skills mastered, and friendships made during the school year. We are so proud of all the accomplishments of each and every student. Sadly we have to say goodbye to our graduates, who will be moving on to grade one. We wish them all the best in their new adventure. We are confident they will do well in their new environment. During the month of June we will experience the joy of gardening. We plan to do experiments to find out how to germinate seeds, what makes plants thrive and we will plant seeds and flowers in our small plot outside our classroom. Please take note of the following important events. On Monday, June 4, the third year students will visit the Safety Village. The children will take the school bus and will eat lunch on site. Please send a lunch that needs no microwaving. Casa graduation is scheduled for Thursday, June 14, at 2:30 pm. Report cards will be sent home on the same day. Last day of classes is Friday, June 15. We finish the day with a family picnic. Please pick your child up at the classroom at 11:45 and enjoy the picnic. Miss Waters, Miss Brown and I want to thank you for your support and trust this past school year. Our job is made easier with your help and cooperation. We wish you a safe and enjoyable summer. See you in September. J. Nagy