Mr. Hamilton Upper Elementary We had simply a great time during our backpacking/camping experience on September 28th and 29th. Despite a hot week just before the hike, Mother Nature came through with a perfect day on Thursday. Students enjoyed an historical hike along the Twelve Mile Creek to Brock University, where we ate lunch. We continued on the Bruce Trail to Camp Wetaskiwin in the centre of Short Hills Provincial Park. At the camp, we set up our tents and after a meal of delicious hamburgers and a game of Survival, we demonstrated our creative talents at an evening campfire. Students actually fell asleep fairly quickly and slept soundly during the very cool evening. After breakfast on Friday morning, in a light rainfall students rotated through four cooperative games in our tribes. There were no complaints and a great deal of camaraderie and fun. Our hot dog roast had to be converted to an indoor lunch but Mrs. Aylward and Mlle. Lepp transformed the boiled hot dogs into a veritable feast. We then headed home to put up the soggy tents in the Wheatley gymnasium to dry for the weekend. Thank you to the more than twenty-five parents and to Mr. Philip, Mr. Jessome, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Aylward, Mr. Lillie, and Mlle. Lepp for volunteering their time to provide such a successful outdoor education experience. We were truly impressed with the students collaboration and resilience.